Gen Herres – Intro to Accessibility in WordPress

by | Jul 26, 2023 | Meetup News | 0 comments

Learn how to get started with making your WordPress website more accessible to your visitors and avoid expensive legal consequences of poor accessibility.


Accessibility is for everyone. At some point in our lives, everyone will have a temporary, situational, or permanent disability. A basic website is accessible and usable by nearly everyone, but the choices that we make can turn it from easy to use to completely unusable. Website accessibility is about making intelligent choices so that people can use websites in ways that are easy for them.


Gen Herres is the owner of Anphira, LLC, and organizes the Baltimore WordPress meetup group. Prior to getting into WordPress development more than a decade ago, Gen was a developer for Boeing on the B-1 Bomber and was a lecturer at Ohio State University in the computer science department.

Gen has been featured in podcasts and won the 2022 Member of the Year award in the #1 WordPress community. She is very active in WordPress groups encouraging other developers and designers. She has been incorporating accessibility into websites for a couple of years now and is a strong advocate of processes that move accessibility to earlier points in a project and make accessibility easier to understand for novices.


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Rob is a founder of West Orlando WordPress and an online business coach and digital marketing consultant at